Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Day So Far...

1. Took Caleb to his Dyslexic school he is going to this summer.  Left the house at 7:30 (on summer break, trust me, he is not a happy camper!)
2.  Came home to discover that the dog got back into the house and has chewed up about 5 poopy diapers from the garbage.
3.  Aidan smells the horrible stench and proceeds to run upstairs and throw up on my bed.
4. I grab all the blankets and sheets throw them into the washer.
5. Clean up diaper fiasco.
6. Shower Aidan
7. Want to call Terrie to no where to be found....until I hear the clunking sound coming from the washer.

Plans for the rest of the day?

1. buy new phone
2. check into insane asylum


Lindsey said...

Oh Heather. Bless you!

martha said...

seriously...??? nO!!! Days like that, I always feel like I should get a does anyone KNOW what I do around here to maintain order and sanity and the dignity it takes to keep my own??? I feel for ya sister...oh my...
we had our own chain reaction barf fest here the other night...It was so funny and so not funny all at the same time...

Sandi said...

I don't do barf.

Amanda said...

Hilarious post. That's one bad day!