Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A day's worth of Honest Scrap

Wow!  So I guess since both my pals, Holly and Diane (BOHANNAN!!!!)  bestowed the Honesty Scrap award to me, I thought I would put a little spin on my second posting...  I will be honest about my day today!  

1.  I did not want to wake up this morning.  I am sure most people would agree with me on this one, but the honesty kicks in here:  I negotiate with myself.  I think things like this, "Okay, I will snooze until the next odd number ending in a 7."  Or one of my favorites, "I will just lay here until I reach a number that is prime while also even."  I know.  Craziness....and it doesn't help that I am trying to figure out numbers at 5:30 in the morning anyway!

2.  It AMAZES me that after much thought, efforts, organization, crying and screaming (on my part!)--there is always one child that cannot find his shoes, backpack, sock, toothbrush or underwear that has the pattern and preferred fit in the morning.  I feel like my eyes bulge out of my sockets every morning before 7:30.  I am totally not kidding.  But in my defense, try getting ready for work, getting the younger two ready for the nanny, older two ready for school, 4 lunches, 8 shoes, 80 teeth to brush, etc, etc, all by yourself every single day--and get to work before 8:00.  Not complaining...just saying!  (Side note:  it is always the same child that can never find his stuff too!) 

3.  I checked with Eric (my go-to-guy for spiritual questions) and he agreed that it is okay I do not do my devotional in the morning (see above for explanation!)   I should do it when I can give my best, and be open to what God is telling me through quiet time.  

4.  When I am at work I think I go into a zone.  Several people have commented on sorry!  I get very serious and focused, and I forget to smile and be the fun person I can be.  I think I did this today...yikes!   Good thing everyone up there likes me anyway! 

5. is a good one.  Being very honest here.  Due to several bad ear infections, and also having 4 boys, I am slightly hard of hearing... especially when there is other noises other than what I focusing on.  Today, one of the guys was saying something to me, I totally couldn't hear what he was saying, so he said it again.  Still did not hear him.  So I just smiled and went and sat down at my desk.  He was probably asking me a question too.  sigh...

6.  Talked to Martha (wink wink) on the phone at work today...and I didn't rush the conversation either.  I have piles of work to do, but I took my 10 minutes and laughed and giggled and felt very happy.

7.  Once I leave the office at 3, it is non stop until bedtime.  I have no idea where the time goes.  It seems like this is a "non-time period."  It is the strangest thing.  It is the black hole of the day. 

8.   We went to Target to grab stuff to make dinner tonight.  We have a standard two-cart trips. One cart hold the little boys, the other cart holds the bread and stuff we are buying.  We have a crazy, crazy method of how we operate when in stores.  Very militant.  I guide the group, pushing the little boys, Noah follows me pushing the groceries, while Caleb helps steer Noah's cart when needed.  Today was different.  Caleb wanted to push the grocery cart.  I do not like change, but I was trying to be a good mother and easy going.  (I am NOT easy going, so I don't know why I bother trying!)  Let me just end this paragraph by telling you it REALLY hurts when the shopping cart runs into the back of your heal for the 10th time in 4 minutes.  why 4 minutes you ask?  After 4 minutes, Noah was back in charge of the grocery cart, and my eyes are bulging out of their sockets once again.

9.  I love my new SUV.  It has changed my life!!  I love the space!  But the funny thing is, now we have a whole extra row of seats, and all the boys still cram into the same row!  What's with that?!

10.  I really don't like sharing my drink.  All the boys always ask me for a sip of whatever I may be drinking at the time.  I always feel stingy for saying I end up saying yes.  So what happens?!  When I go for a drink of MY drink it is always gone.  I am sitting here staring at an empty water bottle that I just opened.  I think my eyes are starting to bulge again...


Amanda said...

That list is hilarious! And who does math at 5:30 AM? I'm not sure I could even do basic addition before 7:00. I mean, really -- when you're breaking out the prime numbers, it's easier just to get out of bed.

Anonymous said...

No wonder your eyes bulge in the morning you are doing math way too early girl!
Kara Baggett

The Linders said...

I must tell you that I have a crazy fear of someone running into my heels with the shopping cart! This was one of the very few things that pushed my Mom over the edge when I was younger, and every time Ryan is with me at the grocery store, I can hear my mom's voice in the back of my head telling us (through clenched teeth) that if we run into her one more time. . . (poor Isabella when she's old enough to push the cart!)